Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Abenteuer, Komödie, Dokumentation, Sonstige, Erotik, Made in Europe, Reality-TV • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 2017


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Wer streamt "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father"

Der aufgeräumte Komiker Jack Whitehall und sein spießiger Vater Michael unternehmen ungewöhnliche und amüsante Reisen in fremde Länder, um ihre Beziehung zu vertiefen.

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Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Richard van't Riet
Jack Whitehall, Michael Whitehall, Hilary Whitehall, Hugh Bonneville, Graham Norton, Layton Williams, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, Jonathan Van Ness


1. Staffel 1 (6 Episoden)
Jovial comic Jack Whitehall invites his stuffy father, Michael, to travel with him through Southeast Asia in an attempt to strengthen their bond.
Episode 1
Jack and Michael begin their journey in Bangkok and immediately clash over accommodations, then visit an odd temple and attend an elephant polo match.
Episode 2
In Bangkok, the Whitehalls patronize an unusual doll shop. An annoyed Michael needs time away from Jack, so Jack goes off on his own to try parkour.
Folge 3
Auf einer Vollmondparty in Phuket versucht Jack, seinen Vater etwas aufzulockern. Dann braucht er seine Hilfe bei einem schwimmenden Fußballspiel.
Episode 4
Now in Cambodia, Jack and Michael take a primitive train ride. Jack obsesses over finding food his dad would enjoy, and they visit Angkor Wat.
Folge 5
Jack verärgert Michael bei einem Schattenspiel in Siem Reap. Jack beobachtet Ratten, die beim Räumen von Minen eingesetzt werden. Dann sucht das Paar Frieden in Vietnam.
Episode 6
Jack and Michael honor Michael's parents in a ritual and visit a performance artist in Hanoi, then reflect on the impact of their journey.
2. Staffel 2 (5 Episoden)
Nach Jacks anstrengender Planung für Asien nimmt für Europa Michael die Zügel in die Hand. Es geht unter anderem nach Deutschland, Rumänien, Moldawien und in die Ukraine.
Episode 1
Michael bores his son with "dry history" in Germany's Bavarian Alps, while Jack tries to liven up their first stop with motorcycles and skis.
Episode 2
Jack and Michael channel Harry Houdini and take a boat ride in Budapest, and then have an odd border-control experience on a road trip to Transylvania.
Episode 3
In Romania, Michael and Jack pay a visit to "royalty" and an unusual cemetery. Later, they go to little-visited Moldova to meet Sunstroke Project.
Episode 4
Michael puts Jack through military training in Kyiv, and then they head to Chernobyl before Jack drags his dad to a clown festival in Odessa.
Episode 5
Jack treats his father to a luxurious birthday trip to Istanbul, where they visit a hookah lounge and Michael recalls a wild night with David Bowie.
3. Staffel 3 (2 Episoden)
Jack lebt und arbeitet nun in L. A. und will Michael trotz dessen Zweifeln zum Umzug in die USA bewegen. Also führt er ihm vor Augen, was der Wilde Westen zu bieten hat.
Episode 1
In LA, Jack and Michael take in some naked yoga, acting lessons and a tour of Compton. Then they ride a bus to Phoenix, where Jack becomes a wrestler.
Episode 2
After stops in Sun City and Tombstone, Arizona, Jack and Michael go to Las Vegas, where a surprise guest could ruin Jack's "lads and dads" itinerary.
4. Staffel 4 (2 Episoden)
When Jack heads to Australia for a stand-up comedy tour, he decides reluctantly that he'd rather have Michael join him than make the trip alone.
Episode 1
In Sydney, Hilary joins the boys and goes head-to-head with Jack in cricket, while father and son compete in a drag show and Jack tries speed dating.
Episode 2
Jack and Michael head to Queensland and Uluru, where they meet a senior biker “gang,” celebrate Australia Day and rub elbows with emus and camels.
5. Staffel 5 (3 Episoden)
Nach einem Jahr des Lockdowns kann Hilary es gar nicht erwarten, dass Jack mit Vater Michael eine letzte Reise unternimmt. Doch diesmal geht es nicht in die weite Ferne.
Episode 1
The boys kick off their final journey with a meal from Gordon Ramsay, then try Morris dancing, tour Winston Churchill’s home and visit Burgh Island.
Folge 2
Jack und Michael hüten Schafe in Wales, wandern mit Lamas durch den Lake District, suchen im Schottischen Hochland nach „Nessie“ und fahren mit einem „Harry Potter“-Zug.
The Best Of Travels with My Father
With their final trip behind them, Jack and Michael sit down to reflect on the entire experience and view some of the most memorable highlights.