Nip/Tuck - Schönheit hat ihren Preis

SERIE • 7 Staffeln • Drama • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2003


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Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara und Christian Troy haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.

Wo läuft "Nip/Tuck - Schönheit hat ihren Preis"?

"Nip/Tuck - Schönheit hat ihren Preis" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Video, Maxdome Store.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Ryan Murphy, Andres Marroquin, Michael M. Robin, Elodie Keene, Charles Haid, Craig Zisk, John Scott, Nelson McCormick, Sean Jablonski, Richard Levine, Brad Falchuk
Dylan Walsh, Julian McMahon, Joely Richardson, John Hensley, Roma Maffia, Kelly Carlson


1. Staffel 1 (13 Episoden)
McNamara/Troy (Pilot)
Twin sisters want plastic surgery done to look different from each other. Sean moves out so he can experience life as a single man. Matt decides to try and perform a circumcision on himself after his girlfriend sees his penis. Christian is plagued with thoughts of Julia.
Nanette Babcock
Sofia Lopez
Kurt Dempsey
Megan O’Hara
Cliff Mantegna
Cara Fitzgerald
Sophia Lopez II
Adelle Coffin
Sean and Christian learn that they have to take a test in order to continue practicing. Sean and Megan visit a doctor to learn that there is nothing they can do for her. Mrs. Grubman returns to get an operation on her and her fiancé. Christian passes his test, but Sean walks out. Megan commits suicide. Julia finds out about Sean's affair with Megan.
Antonia Ramos
Sean and Christian are reunited with an old friend, Julia bonds with Sofia Lopez, and Christian and Gina clash over their differences in opinion concerning Gina's pregnancy.
Escobar Gallardo
2. Staffel 2 (16 Episoden)
Erica Noughton
Sean has just turned 40, and he is already noticing it. His body is aging, and he has developed "the yips", making his performance during surgeries decline. Julia breaks the news to Sean that her mother, Erica, is coming to visit. Erica tells them that she wants a facelift - and she wants Sean to do it. Sean would prefer that Christian do it instead. Meanwhile, Christian is having problems with picky Gina, who is trying to keep Christian away from baby Wilbur, because it isn't his baby. Having his own problems with age, he is rejected by a 25-year old at a bar. Christian decides to hire a nanny, who he ends up having sex with, and later learns that she is giving the baby drugs to keep it from crying. Christian tries to convince Sean to have botox, but he refuses (at first). They perform surgery on a woman who was shot in the face nine months earlier. She is brought along by her gay friend. The two are having problems because the woman loves Chad, but Chad doesn't love her in that way, because he's in love with his boyfriend. We learn that Chad and the woman were planning on shooting each other, but she couldn't pull the trigger, so Chad was left unharmed. During Erica's facelift, Sean panics and can't do it. Christian is having some trouble too - he's slept with Erica, the night of Sean and Julia's wedding. The surgery continues. Later that day, Christian is having problems with Wilbur, so he calls Julia to come help him. She gets upset on how Christian can't handle his own responsibilities, and snaps at him for sleeping with her mother.
Christian Troy
Manya Mabika
Mrs. Grubman
As Julia and Sean's daughter Annie faces puberty, they must both face the harsh realization of maturity and deal with their own issues about getting older. When Gina tells Christian he can no longer be involved in Wilbur's life, Christian is forced to reach out to an old flame in order to build a case to gain sole custody of Wilbur.
Joel Gideon
After a car accident due to cell phone use, Sean winds up in the hospital. As a result of the accident, Sean develops a phobia of driving and other dangerous things, causing a dent in his career. He thanks the car company because their safety features saved his life. The car company, wanting a point of view from this doctor who has been in a car accident, offers Sean a new car if he agrees to inspect the cadavers they use as crash test dummies after crash tests. Sean tries to take more risks, causing Julia to become upset. Trying to take more risks, Sean decides to go shark diving, and drags Matt along with him. After realizing how much he cares for his son, Sean decides not to follow through. Christian is reminded that his son is no longer in his life, and he turns for comfort in Julia, who reveals to him that Wilber is not his only son.
Bobbi Broderick
Naomi Gaines
Agatha Ripp
A patient named Agatha Ripp comes in to McNamara/Troy. She reveals to Sean & Christian that she had a stigmata, but she says that it was a lie she said to the church so they would accept her, and that she really cut herself. People of the town turn to Agatha for blessing and renewed faith, despite claiming to be a fraud. When a "stigmata" appears on her legs, the doctors do a blood test to learn that it is not her blood. Meanwhile, Julia is experiencing shingles, which Sean attributes to guilt or pressure, and associates it with the Matt-Ava relationship. She breaks the news to Sean that the reason she is under so much stress - he is not Matt's father. Sean goes insane and aggressively hurts Julia. He rampages into the office where he beats Christian to the ground. He turns to the church, where he meets Agatha. She reveals everything was fake, and that a sister from the church snuck in and punctured her, and left her own blood so the church would not cut her program. Meanwhile, Liz reveals she is pregnant, but shuts Christian out, who wants to care for the baby. She experiences bruising and spotting, causing her to worry about 'the unknown'. Despite being impacted by Agatha, Liz has an abortion without telling Christian, who is upset that she got rid of the baby because she felt it would be handicapped.
Rose und Raven Rosenberg
Sean and Christian face the challenge of separating conjoined twins. The challenge is more complicated when Sean has difficulties working with Christian after learning the truth about Matt. Their constant bickering has been causing them to lose clients.
Kimber Henry
Natasha Charles
Julia McNamara
Oona Wentworth
Maids and servants of a wealthy woman have a party while she is out of town, and they hire a cheap plastic surgeon to give them all Botox -- Merrill Bobolit. The women all have adverse reactions to it, and one of them comes in to have it fixed because bulges have formed on her forehead. Bobolit has now partnered with Madam Rose, who owns a chain of beauty salons. He performs unsanitary plastic surgery for lower prices in her basement, and they proudly promote this new invented "Bobotox". Christian tries to talk some sense into him, and eventually learns that Merrill is hooked on the anesthesia, and is constantly high on it - even during surgery. Christian acts as his sponsor in an AA-type rehabilitation group. Merrill becomes furious with Christian after a girl he wanted flirts with Christian. Meanwhile, Matt gets upset at Adrian for wearing his leather coat to school while soliciting drugs to other students. After Adrian refuses to give him the coat back, they get into a fist fight. Since the coat belongs to Matt, the drugs in the pocket are pinned on him. Christian is called in instead of Sean along with Ava, and Ava comes up with the idea to bribe the principal, Ms. Wentworth, with pro bono plastic surgery. After getting off free because of the surgery, Adrian and Matt decide to be friends. While having a conversation in the bathroom at school, Adrian urinates in one of the soap dispensers, and both Matt and Adrian get called to the principal's office again. Sean comes in this time along with Ava, and he forces the truth out of Adrian and Matt, and snaps at Ava. Sean punishes Matt by sentencing him to spending his afternoons at the office doing handiwork and cleaning. Matt realizes he likes spending time there. Adrian has had the last straw with Ava's harsh treatment, and they share a meaningful moment as mother and son, but it turns weird when they begin to make out.
Trudy Nye
Sean McNamara
Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers consults with Sean and Christian to have all of her plastic surgeries undone, because she wants her grandson Cooper to learn that you don't have to be perfect. When she ultimately learns what she will turn out like after the work has been finished, she decides to give up on her original plan and asks the doctors to schedule her for a facelift the next morning. Matt is concerned about Ava, who seems obviously depressed. He suggests they go away to Paris and start a new life together, which she reluctantly accepts after some convincing. Matt goes to McNamara-Troy to steal drugs for her to take with them. Christian finds him, and gets upset when he learns Matt is going to Paris. Christian goes to have a talk with Ava, and when trying to make a point using sex, he learns that Ava is really a transsexual. Julia, Sean, and Christian spend the night researching, and trace their way to Maryland and a Gender Reassignment center.
3. Staffel 3 (15 Episoden)
Momma Boone
Sean hires Quentin Costa for six months during Christian's convalescence. The two remove tattoos from a former MS-13 gang banger using cutting edge laser technology. Matt finds Adrian dead in Ava's house when searching for a plane ticket to Paris. The police thinks it's suicide. Julia calls Erica to help Matt deal with questions regarding his sexuality. Christian and Liz operate to repair a scar on the face of a female gorilla, Kiki.
Derek, Alex, und Gary
Rhea Reynolds
A woman wants surgery to make her look like her when she was younger, to jog her Alzheimer-stricken husband's memory. Christian and Sean work on another Carver victim, who does not have the same physical attributes as the other victims.
Granville Trapp
Sean and Christian visit a mortuary where an employee created a woman from body parts of other women. They operate on a German woman. Sean is at a gathering of people over 65, trying to sell them some procedures. Gina and Julia are in business together.
Ben White
Tommy Bolton
Sean has feelings for Nikki Moretti. Quentin goes after Julia and she welcomes his attention. Christian has a down-syndrome patient who wants to look like the rest of his family. Christian meets with his birth mother again.
Hannah Tedesco
Christian and Quentin disagree over the ethics of an extremely dangerous operation that would enhance their medical reputations. Sean is thinking about giving up everything and disappearing into the Witness Protection Program with Nikki and her son.
Madison Berg
Christian still has second doubts about the wedding. Gina tries to convince Kimber to leave him. Matt's new girlfriend compares plastic surgery to the work of the Nazis.
Abby Mays
Sean wants Quentin out of the practice after finding out that he's dating Julia. Christian seems to be ok after Kimber leaving him, but his actions indicate otherwise.
Sal Perri
A plane crashes just after take off in Miami. Julia's mother might be one of the passengers. Christian, Sean, Julia and Liz are all trying to save the lives of the people that survived the plane crash.
Joy Kringle
Cherry Peck
Christian finds out that Kimber didn't ditch him at the altar but was abducted by the carver. Quentin is a Carver suspect. Julia has bad dreams about her pregnancy. Sean is threatened into doing pro bono work on the transgender woman who was beat up by Matt.
Quentin Costa
The Carver strikes at a sorority house. His identity is revealed. Ariel's dad kidnaps Matt and Cherry. Ariel's dad forces Matt to make a life threatening decision, while the carver tries desperately to get his last minute revenge. Julia discovers that there might be something wrong with her baby.
4. Staffel 4 (15 Episoden)
Cindy Plumb
Sean and Christian may be celebrating a milestone surgery, but it looks like the future of McNamara/Troy is in jeopardy. Julia tells Sean some devastating news about the baby. Christian decides to redecorate his apartment after a disturbing appointment with his psychiatrist.
Blue Mondae
Sean and Julia make a big decision regarding their unborn baby. Christian and Sean hit troubled waters with their new boss and begin to realize what it really means to have sold their business. Matt's family doesn't quite get his decision to pursue a new path in his life.
Monica Wilder
Sean and Julia are looking for a nanny. Sean wants to turn to Christian for support after his hidden desires are revealed. But Chistian is busy going to the gym because he thinks he's too fat.
Shari Noble
After having a nipple bitten off by her dog, Shari Noble comes in to have it reconstructed before her husband returns from Iraq. Julia meets a breast-feeding expert. Christian and Liz hit a lesbian bar where Christian tries to attract one of the women there but she's attracted to Liz instead. Sean and Christian meet with a kidney specialist for one of their patients.
Dawn Budge
Faith Wolper, PhD
Sean soon discovers that Monica Wilder doesn't intend to leave him alone. Christian's therapist has an obsessive torment to reveal. And Burt Landau proposes an unusual solution upon learning that Christian and Michelle are having an affair.
Burt Landau
Dawn Budge needs an ear transplant. Burt Landau suffered a stroke and asks Christian and Sean to fix his face.
Conor McNamara
Mrs. Grubman is back for more Plastic Surgery this time she wants Christian to preform it after she has passed on. Sean and Julia have conflicts over Conor's Surgery.
Liz Cruz
Merrill Bobolit
Dr. Merrill Bobolit, who's out of jail, needs Sean's and Christian's professional services. Escobar Gallardo wants them to perform surgery on his face. And Matt tells his family that he's married and that he and his wife are expecting a baby.
Episode 11
It's the year 2026. Conor is getting the whole family together. In the present, Julia and Sean's marriage is at a crossroads.
Diana Lubey
Even though he doubts his ability to maintain a long term relationship Christian proposes to Michelle and a lonely Sean takes a pathological case for rationalities that have as much to do with himself as with the patient, and James requires to use McNamara/Troy for her own operations.
Willy Ward
Sean contrives to sell his portion of the practice; Michelle's connection with James finally ends, but not with James' boss; Gina is not happy to discover about Michelle's role in Wilbur's life; Matt tries to rekindle the spark with Kimber; and Poppy and Liz break up.
Gala Gallardo
Sean considers selling his shares of the practice to Christian and Michelle, although Michelle's past starts to threaten her future with Christian. Meanwhile, Escobar's wife needs cosmetic surgery.
5. Staffel 5 (22 Episoden)
Carly Summers
Sean and Christian have relocated their practice from Miami to Los Angeles. Being new to the city they find themselves having to start from scratch business wise. What they thought would naturally fall into place turns out to require some foot work. So Christian and Sean hit the town and begin discovering a whole new world.
Joyce & Sharon Monroe
Sean and Christian learn about the glamorous side of fame and the price that many are willing to pay for it. Julia visits Sean, Christian and Liz in Los Angeles with a surprise announcement.
Everett Poe
Sean and Julia learn more about their new family dynamic as Sean resists Eden's advances. Kate reveals a secret compulsion. Matt comes to Los Angeles with some troubling news for his fathers.
Dawn Budge II
A series of unfortunate events unfold for an unlucky Dawn Budge, who seeks reparative surgery from Sean and Christian. Annie and Eden start to form a sisterly bond, which unnerves Sean.
Chaz Darling
A patient inspires Sean to take his relationship with Kate in a new direction. Eden uses extreme methods to persuade Christian to perform surgery on a friend. Kimber reaches out to an former business associate when she and Matt fall on hard times.
Damien Sands
Dr. Joshua Lee
Duke Collins
Sean discovers the secret between Christian and Julia. A hospitalized Matt bonds with his rehabilitation counselor. Eden suspiciously makes peace with Julia. Kimber and Ram reveal their future plans.
Rachel Ben Natan
Magda und Jeff
Kyle Ainge
Christian attempts to cope in the aftermath of a death. Colleen feels threatened when another talent agency shows an interest in Sean's acting career.
Lulu Grandiron
Eden looks to Sean for help after getting into business with Kimber and Ram. A group of wealthy socialites hire Christian for all of their cosmetic surgery needs. Sean discovers another side of Colleen.
August Walden
Candy Richards
Ronnie Chase
After surviving the attack by Colleen, Sean's physical and emotional well-being are still feeling the effects. Meanwhile, Christian receives some disturbing news after lending Liz some moral support with her breast cancer scare.
Gene Shelly
After being rejected by Kimber on account of his post-surgery scars and with his chemotherapy making him sick, Christian seeks support from Liz, which leads to a surprising sexual encounter between them. Sean discovers his new lover (Jaime Ray Newman) has a disturbing fetish, and further alienates Julia and Matt when they learn that he has been faking his need for a wheelchair. Raj has a life-altering sexual encounter with the wife (Beth Gargan) of McNamara/Troy's latest patient.
Roxy St. James
Sean tries to deal with his feelings for Julia, while Liz and Christian analyze their relationship and Christian meets someone who understands what he is experiencing with his breast cancer.
Ricky Wells
Matt becomes envious of Sean and Raj bonding together. Christian and Liz give their relationship another chance. Raj's father pays a visit to see his son.
Manny Skerritt
Budi Sabri
Allegra Caldarello
Christian decides to employ Dr. Logan Taper for the practice, while Sean is revisited by a former client from Miami to have plastic surgery so she can attract suitors once her husband dies.
Giselle Blaylock & Legend Chandler
As Christian and Liz make their wedding plans, he also looks for a new cancer treatment. Meanwhile, Ram Peters drops Kimber for a newer model, while Teddy informs Sean that someone close to her is gone, and Sean and Christian repair a couples neck wounds which look strikingly similar at McNamara/Troy.
6. Staffel 6 (19 Episoden)
Don Hoberman
As Season 6 begins, Christian has news for Liz and the economic downturn has hit McNamara/Troy hard. But the boys might have found a lifesaver in Dr. Mike Hamoui (Mario Lopez), who's now in L.A. and has found a very profitable niche specialty. Meanwhile, Sean's relationship with Teddy Rowe (now played by Rose McGowan) has blossomed, and Matt, who's down on his luck, takes up mime.
Unable to sleep, Sean finds himself in an all-night diner, then in an ER; Liz goes after Christian's boat, leading him to offer Kimber a business deal; Sean and Christian remove tattoos from a teen obsessed with "the darker side of his personality."
Brigitte Reinholt
Jenny Juggs
Christian struggles to understand a patient with big anger-management issues. Sean and Christian learn how Matt is earning an income, despite his attempts to keep it hidden from his family. Teddy arranges a camping trip with Sean, Annie and Conor in order to ease family tensions.
Abigail Sullivan
Alexis Stone
When a newly married Erica threatens to take custody of Annie and Connor, Sean and Julia present a happy and united front to thwart her efforts. Christian bonds with a new patient as Mike reveals his future plans with Kimber.
Alexis Stone II
Both Matt and Alexis Stone request unusual surgical procedures from Christian. Erica discovers the horrible truth about her new husband. After a lifetime of torment from her mother, Julia seeks revenge upon her.
Lola Wlodkowski
A medical consultation with Liz's friend leads Christian to contemplate his relationship with Kimber. Sean begins to heal emotionally following an encounter with a perfection-seeking patient.
Benny Nilsson
Christian's colossal financial debt leads him to deception. An unexpected visitor stirs insecurity within Christian and brings joy to Sean. Christian bonds with a young patient when he learns about his adoption.
Wesley Clovis
Sean experiences an ethical and moral dilemma when McNamara/Troy is requested to perform a surgical procedure on a prison inmate. Kimber questions how far she will go to keep Christian when they receive life-changing news.
Episode 11
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 12
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 13
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 14
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 15
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 16
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 17
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 18
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Episode 19
Die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) haben eine gemeinsame Praxis für Schönheitschirurgie. Doch der Traum, mit Silikon, Botox und Co. das große Geld zu machen, droht zu zerplatzen, denn Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
7. Staffel 7 (9 Episoden)
Dan Daly
Willow Banks
Joel Seabrook
Sheila Carlton
Virginia Hayes
Dr. Griffin
Christian Troy II
Walter und Edith Krieger
Hiro Yoshimura
Extras (16 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16

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