Workin' Moms

SERIE • 7 Staffeln • Komödie, Erotik, Drama • Kanada • 2017


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Wer streamt "Workin' Moms"

Der Mutterschutz dieser vier Mütter in Toronto ist vorüber. Es ist Zeit, zur Arbeit zurückzukehren und Kinder, Chefs, Liebe und Leben unter einen Hut zu bringen.

Wo läuft "Workin' Moms"?

"Workin' Moms" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Workin' Moms
Catherine Reitman
Catherine Reitman, Dani Kind, Juno Rinaldi, Katherine Barrell, Jessalyn Wanlim, Novie Edwards, Dennis Andres, Raymond Ablack, Enuka Okuma, Sarah McVie, Philip Sternberg, Ryan Belleville, Sadie Munroe, Nikki Duval, Olunike Adeliyi, Peter Keleghan, Kevin Vidal, Tennille Read, Aviva Mongillo, Victor Webster, Wendy Crewson


1. Staffel 1 (13 Episoden)
Vier befreundete Mütter gewöhnen sich an das Leben nach der Entbindung. Die postpartale Depression ist kein Kinderspiel, auch wenn die Großeltern gelegentlich babysitten.
Kate stellt nach ihrem Mutterschaftsurlaub bei der Rückkehr in die Agentur fest, dass zwei neue Mitarbeiter eingestellt wurden. Frankie leidet an postpartaler Depression.
Kate will ihr Liebesleben, das Abpumpen und die Arbeit unter einen Hut bekommen. Auf Jennys Arbeit stoßen Erotik und IT aufeinander. Annes Tochter dreht völlig durch.
Frankie braucht Hilfe. Die Mütter erörtern vorgetäuschte Hilflosigkeit. Bei Kate stehen Oma und Muttermilchersatz auf dem Programm. Annes Tochter bereitet ihr Probleme.
Schlechte Hilfe
Kates Mutter liebt das Baby – im Gegensatz zum Hund. Anne engagiert eine fiese Nanny. Ian geht Jenny als Hausmann auf die Nerven. Doch auf der Arbeit findet sie Ruhe.
Unmögliche Entscheidungen
Kate und Olly müssen sich entscheiden. Anne ist auf Mean Nanny eifersüchtig. Frankie entdeckt ein neues Hobby. Jenny fühlt plötzlich keine Verbindung zu Baby Zoe mehr.
Der Wolf und das Häschen
Frankie möchte Spielzeug kaufen. Kate hat einen neuen Termin und eine neue Vorliebe für japanische Pornos. Jenny geht auf Marvin zu – doch zu welchem Preis?
Wie Phönix aus der Asche
Frankie kann endlich punkten. Anne verbringt Zeit mit ihrer Tochter. Ian verfolgt filmische Ambitionen. Kate gibt das Ruder ab und macht eine überraschende Entdeckung.
Eis und ein Ohrring
Kate sucht nach einem Kindermädchen. Frankie und Giselle arbeiten an ihrer Beziehung. Jenny plant einen aufwendigen Junggesellinnenabschied.
Schwierige Nippel
Kate und Nathan sind in Sachen Babys und Montreal unterschiedlicher Meinung. Anne leistet aus finanziellen Beweggründen Zusatzarbeit. Jennys Brustwarzen sind infiziert.
Kate lügt in der Muttergruppe und hat nach ihrer Entscheidung Schuldgefühle. Frankie muss sich ihrer Depression wohl oder übel stellen. Annes Arzt verordnet ihr Ruhe.
Tschüss, Kate
Kate bereitet sich auf eine lange Reise vor. Jenny verliert zunehmend die Kontrolle. Frankie entdeckt Marie Kondo. Anne träumt von einer neuen Art von Arzt.
Kate wacht erfrischt in Montreal auf. Jenny spricht sich mit einer Kollegin aus. Frankie widmet sich dem Online-Verkauf. Anne und Lionel stehen vor einer schweren Wahl.
Kate stellt ihre Überzeugungskraft unter Beweis. Nathan leidet unter Windelausschlag. Frankie erhält ein Ultimatum. Jenny sagt Ian die Wahrheit. Anne findet Frieden.
2. Season 2 (13 Episoden)
Die frischgebackenen Eltern Kate, Frankie, Anne und Ian müssen nun erwachsen werden. Nachwuchs, Älterwerden, Jobs und Beziehungskrisen sind schließlich kein Kinderspiel.
The year is 2005 and a young ambitious Kate attends her best friend Anne's wedding, but encounters situations that could change the course of their lives forever.
Gute Mutter
Kate is fed up and sets out to get her job back; Lionel is convinced to get a vasectomy; Frankie thrives at the center.
Das Zeichen
Kate mourns a family member; Anne and Lionel explore their newfound sex life; Frankie realizes she must leave the Wellness Center; Ian has a positive meeting.
Das heilige Loch
Kate tries to balance two jobs; Anne moves into a new office space; Frankie meets two different women in the same day.
Kate steps outside her comfort zone in an attempt to keep up at Baseline, and receives a surprise phone call from Gaze. Anne agrees to hypnotherapy with Brad.
Kate's irresponsible actions have unexpected consequences at work. Stressed about problems at home, Anne's frustration with Kate comes to a head. Frankie has another encounter with Juniper.
The members of Val's Toddler Time go on a weekend retreat and learn surprising truths about love, friendship and the one mother everyone thought was perfect.
In flagranti
Kate struggles with working for two different firms; Anne deals with Alice's first boyfriend; Ian confronts Jenny; Frankie tries to juggle two different women.
Kate helps Alice through an important milestone; Brad pressures Anne to face her fear; Sonia's discomfort with Zoe upsets Ian; Frankie makes some romantic decisions.
Kate considers starting a business; Anne becomes friends with an overzealous fan; Sonia and Ian have a discussion; Frankie finds new roommates.
Kate's new career and family plans become jeopardized when she has a health scare; Anne and Lionel uncover truths about their marriage; Frankie gets back to work.
Wenn Frauen gebären müssten
While trying to hide her health problems, Kate hires help to launch her new endeavour; Anne tries to make things right with Lionel, permanently; Frankie hosts a family dinner in her new home; an emergency interrupts Ian's meeting.
Ein Blick zurück
Everyone gathers together to celebrate Anne and Lionel's commitment ceremony and one guest makes a discovery.
3. Staffel 3 (13 Episoden)
Kate gewöhnt sich an ihre neue Realität, Anne verlagert ihre Wut, Frankie findet ihren beruflichen Rhythmus und Jenny nimmt sich vor, eine bessere Mutter zu sein.
In the wake of Nathan's infidelity, Kate gets her life back on track with a new apartment, a new business and a new baby.
Das Gesetz und die Männer
Kate forges a dubious but profitable new business relationship. Disappointed by a court decision, Anne takes matters into her own hands, and channels her rage into a good cause. An old friend tracks down newly rich Frankie with a request.
Vati ist zuhause
Kate represents an offensive client. Forrest's attempts at being alone with Kate fail. Anne's new job presses her buttons. Frankie plays financier; Jenny makes new friends.
While pursuing new business, Kate confronts an old foe; when Alice decides she's ready to use the subway alone, Anne takes anti-pervert training into overdrive; Frankie finds out Bianca has big life plans and decides to help.
Kate finds herself in trouble following some bad press; Anne fears for Alice's safety; Jenny finds herself a hero.
Narla hat das Sagen
The Headmaster at Charlie's school assigns Kate with a humiliating task. Lionel presents Anne with an innovative solution to overcome her misplaced aggression. Bad news from Bianca sets Frankie on a path to Juniper, in search of a solution.
While Kate takes her work to the streets, Jenny lashes out on the job, Anne incites violence, Alice gets revenge and tensions boil over in Val's home.
When Kate, Anne, Frankie and Val take a memorable “trip” to celebrate Frankie's birthday, secrets are revealed and friendships are tested.
Waffen und Täuschung
Kate shoots from the hip when Steve Malk suggests a new client. While Forrest is filled with heartache, things heat up between Kate and Mike. Meanwhile, Frankie is in heaven, Anne channels Dirty Harry and when trouble occurs at Tech-cellent, Jenny bends the rules like a boss.
Kate is hit with a lawsuit while Anne and Lionel struggle to keep up with Alice's exploits. Frankie feels the weight of being in love with a religious woman.
As Kate is served with an ultimatum, Anne attempts to resolve a conflict with Brenna's parents. Jenny’s gamble at work backfires, resulting in the personal and the professional intertwining. Val has a potential new suitor!
Zwei Pfade
Kate heads to New York for a client pitch. Meanwhile in Toronto, Alice makes a desperate choice based on Anne’s recent actions and Frankie finds herself in the middle of an intensifying family conflict.
Was möchtest du?
Kate finds herself at a fork in the road. Anne realizes the truth about Alice. Ian guides Jenny to the light, while Val quantum leaps into love.
4. Staffel 4 (8 Episoden)
Die Mütter kämpfen für ihre Kinder, ihre Partner, ihre Arbeit und vor allem sich selbst. Bei so viel Entschlossenheit liegen einschneidende Veränderungen in der Luft.
Kate faces judgment from her friends over her decision, and clashes with Mike over the Tru Air account. Anne handles a rebellious Alice with creative discipline, and Frankie and Bianca navigate new waters.
Das schwarze Schaf
Alice's new internship at Kate Foster PR drains Kate's resources the day of a client event, while Lionel's attempt at teaching his daughter the meaning of responsibility, backfires. Frankie makes a decision Bianca may not be ready for.
Der Mann mit der mexikanischen Maske
Kate wonders whether Mike is friend or foe. Anne and Nathan face off at the kids' day camp. Jenny discovers a dark secret at Tech-cellent, and Frankie grows suspicious of Sean.
Niemand wird kommen
Between Mike troubles, a Tru Air PR crisis and a birthday dinner with less-than-delightful in-laws, Kate’s plate is FULL. A misstep from Alice puts Anne’s book in jeopardy, while Jenny goes on the warpath for equal pay.
Wie man Eichhörnchen anlockt
Kate and Nathan struggle with their new living arrangement. Frankie and Juniper take their investigation of Sean too far. Anne looks at her relationship with Alice in a new light.
A lice outbreak at camp becomes everyone's worst nightmare. Kate's interview soon proves somewhat uncomfortable. Anne quarantines her house while Frankie tries to sell a home under false pretences.
Schlechter Ruf
Kate finds herself in the middle of a PR crisis for her new client Après; Anne is inspired by a new book idea; Frankie and Bianca discover the truth about Sean.
Charlie und die Grasfabrik
Kate desperately searches the brewery for Charlie while Frankie seizes an opportunity for vengeful justice; Jenny's employers see things her way; Anne and Lionel make a life-changing decision.
5. Staffel 5 (10 Episoden)
A new season brings fresh complications for Kate, Frankie and Jenny — plus a big move for Anne, who longs for the life she left behind.
Die Carlsons ziehen nach Calgary
The Carlsons make the move, but it's not exactly what Lionel promised. Alice meets a cute boy at her new school. Kate and the gang fly out for a visit, and they discover Anne has made some questionable new friends.
Kate feels the pressure to land a major new client. Anne is torn between hanging on to her ambition and succumbing to the rhythm of life as a Cochrane mom. With Bianca away, Frankie buys Rhoda a strange new pet.
Belohnen Sie sich selbst
Kate walks further into the lioness' den with Sloane. Anne starts her new job. Alice gets closer with her new boyfriend. Jenny discovers her secret office romance with MCP might not be exactly what she expected.
Das Rattenmädchen
In a high-pressure moment, Kate pitches an idea that isn't hers to give. Anne's publication dreams may finally come true; a new opportunity leads Frankie to expand her business. Jenny confronts her man about what he really wants.
Mutter kann sich brüsten
A quick fix at work leaves Kate in the rat trap. Anne struggles to keep her temper in check as she promotes her book. Val learns her nest isn't as empty as she thought. Frankie realizes her new employees are a mixed bag.
Finger im Po
Anne's explosive television debut puts Kate's loyalty to the test. Frankie falls into a funk after a disaster at work. Jenny realizes her feelings for MCP might run deeper than she thought.
After a wake-up call from Sloane, Kate adjusts her priorities. Frankie realizes she's responsible for a recent workplace tragedy. Needing a break from Kate, Anne hides out at Val's.
Anne is blind-sided by a controversial viral video starring Lionel. Kate faces collateral damage from her indulgent behavior. Frankie goes on a mission to right her wrongs.
Blauer Engel
Kate starts to question Sloane's ethics. Anne enrolls Alice in a new school.
Der Einband
To protect what matters most, Kate makes a dramatic sacrifice. Settling back into her life in Toronto, Anne learns the fate of her book. Jenny's lies catch up to her.
6. Staffel 6 (13 Episoden)
Work-life balance?!? What's that? Kate, Anne, Jenny, Sloane and Val are clocking in overtime handling big problems at the office and at home.
Kate Foster
Kate struggles with a major change in the Foster household. Superstar publishing executive Sloane follows through on her promise to make Kate’s life at work a living hell. On the bright side,
Warmes Mittagessen
Suspicious of Nathan Jr.'s behavior, Kate looks to Anne for advice, but the guidance she needs come from a surprising source. A promising book proposal reunites rivals Kate and Sloane.
Auf Wiedersehen, Goldie
Jenny and MCP face the consequences of mixing business with pleasure. Kate makes a tough choice at work after a surprising discovery. And in Cochrane, there’s a bumpy legal road ahead for Lionel.
The Big One
Val invites the gal pals to her birthday… Well, she invites them to plan her birthday. A conflict between our ladies at the party causes the day to go off the rails until Sloane turns things around.
Kate urges Nathan Jr. to loosen up and discover his wild side. MCP tries to solve problems the quick way, but Jenny isn’t willing to cut corners. Anne struggles to keep her trademark anger in check.
Oh. Ohh. Ohhh.
Kate plays detective after finding a mysterious phone number in Nathan’s pocket. Anne’s explosive personality lands her in Anger Management. And Sloane’s ultrasound appointment goes a little too well.
Goin' Fishin'
Kate helps Nathan build a connection with Nathan Jr. Anne joins Lionel in Cochrane to support his big day in court. Jenny feels edged out of her own wedding planning while Sloane’s love life heats up.
Der geweckte Bär
A surprise move from Goldie sends Kate and Sloane’s joint project into a tailspin. Upon returning from Cochrane, tensions between Lionel and Anne are higher than ever.
Kate discovers Charlie has an imaginary friend, while her business is under fire. The Carlsons reluctantly host a guest from Cochrane. A stubborn Jenny comes to terms with painful realities.
Bachelorette, But Make It Spooky
It's Jenny's bachelorette party, and Val booked a haunted house; when a storm and an unwanted visitor pose a real threat, the ladies must band together if they want to survive the night.
The Break
After a push from Anne, Kate doubles down on micromanaging things at work. Her hands-on approach comes under fire.
Die schlimmen Sachen
Kate may never ‘have it all,’ but she’s finally closer to finding a balance. Anne has a breakthrough at anger management. And Nathan Jr. makes a big decision.
Gemeinsam wachsen
Kate may never ‘have it all,’ but she’s finally closer to finding a balance. Anne has a breakthrough at anger management. And Nathan Jr. makes a big decision.
7. Staffel 7 (13 Episoden)
In einer bewegenden letzten Staffel versuchen Kate und ihre Freundinnen Karriere und Selbsterfüllung ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Was auch passieren mag: Lachen hilft immer.
Oh mein Gott, oh mein Gott, oh mein Gott!
Kate is pushed out of her comfort zone by developments at work; Sloane doubles down as the hardest working executive with a baby; Anne bounces back from her attack better than ever.
Ein Jauchzen und Kreischen
Kate struggles to market a game-changing yet controversial pill, as Sloane's strategy puts her at odds with an author; while Jenny meets a dead-end, Anne meets a new friend in Anger Management.
Ich krieg das hin
Sloane lässt Owen zu Hause bei Paul und Anne ist auf der Suche nach Nervenkitzel. Kates Werbespot läuft nicht wie geplant. Die Babyflüsterin Val macht sich an die Arbeit.
Eine neue Geschäftsidee für sexuelles Vergnügen sorgt für erschrockene Gesichter. Kate und Anne schließen einen Pakt. Jenny wird von ihrer Vergangenheit eingeholt.
Die Sterilisiererin
Val meldet Sloane bei einer Freundschafts-Dating-App an, Anne geht den außerschulischen Aktivitäten von Alice nach und Kate steckt mitten in einer PR-Krise.
It's Five O'Clock Somewhere
Anne's on a mission to ruin Alice's plans, Sloane spots a lie, and Jenny gets defensive. Kate meets Ram out of the office. Val cashes in... on milk.
It's All Gone
Empty bottles, fuzzy memories and a sinking feeling that mistakes were made. On a rough morning after at the office, Kate struggles to retrace her steps.
Schnell und sanft
Sloane wünscht sich mehr Spontaneität von Paul, Val erhält einen ernüchternden Anruf und Anne will Alice einen Schrecken einjagen. Kate teilt ihre Bedenken Ram mit.
Die alte Sloane
Sloane erinnert sich an ihr Leben vor der Mutterschaft zurück und Jenny geht auf Jobsuche. Alice distanziert sich von Anne. Kate weiß nicht mehr, was sie glauben soll.
The Proposal
Kate, Anne and Sloane take Val out for a memorable ladies' night that's full of surprises.
Two Steve Jobs
Kate dresses to impress for a Big Pharma expo. A guarded Sloane is holding something back. Anne explores letting go. Jenny recruits an assistant.
Das Kinderfest
Jennys Veranstaltung ist ein voller Erfolg, während Kate ein wichtiges Angebot abwägt. Sloane sträubt sich gegen ein Familienfoto. Anne bleibt zu Hause.
Das Ende
Ein Kapitel neigt sich dem Ende zu, während Kate, Anne, Sloane, Jenny und Val positiv in die Zukunft blicken – und die Suche nach Magie nie aufgeben.
Extras (1 Episode)
Episode 1

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