Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star
21.05.2024 • 00:25 - 01:25 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Spielshow
Glow Up Britain's Next Make Up Star
Unterhaltung, Spielshow

Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star

It's make or break time in the series finale, where the three remaining make-up artists compete for the last time to be crowned the next make-up star. But only one can win the career-making opportunity to work with some of the biggest make-up artists in the world. Who will it emerge victorious? Joining Val and Dom to assess the finalists' looks is Hollywood make-up legend Hung Vanngo, the personal MUA to some of the biggest stars in the world, including Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry and Selena Gomez. For the make-up artist who most impresses Hung with their final look, there's an incredible opportunity to have a one-on-one session with him that could give them an advantage in the final challenge the next day. For the final creative brief, the three make-up artists are tasked to create a captivating look that sums up their journey, encapsulating their past and revealing their hopes for the future. To make it a level playing field for the finalists, this week, for the first time in the competition, there are no red chairs or face-off to contend with, meaning everyone has an equal chance to blow the judges' minds. With more on the line than ever before, the three finalists put everything into their final looks, generating some of the most mind-blowing creations of the competition: a blue, white and gold Venetian mask made from prosthetics, a patterned coy carp design symbolising good fortune and a purple drag look covered in asymmetric rhinestones. The next day, the finalists embark on their last challenge of the competition - delivering a masterclass to an audience of industry heavyweights at one of the most iconic department stores in the world, Harvey Nichols. Each MUA must demonstrate an original makeup look that sums them up as an artist in a way that captivates the audience from start to finish. But with some of the hardest-to-please stars of the makeup world in attendance, the pressure to perform under the spotlight will test the finalists like never before! Among the VIPs in the high-profile audience are Clare Horner, beauty director for Harvey Nichols, make-up legend Mary Greenwell, Drag Race UK runner-up Michael Marouli, experts from the UK's best known beauty publications and Oscar-nominated make-up artists from across TV and film. Once the masterclasses are over, it's down to Val and Dom to decide which MUA deserves to be crowned the new winner of Glow Up and have their career catapulted to the big time.

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